My name is Shashi Kant, I am working on a short animation project of (45-55 sec) which will consist of 4-5 2D-matte paintings projected on 3D geometries. The main idea behind the project is to creatively represent the existence of different rural places situated in Himalayas near a place known as Kinnaur (INDIA). In order to keep a track of the entire process I am using this place to upload my day to day progress and any issues which I might encounter throughout the process.
This project on evocation of a place through matte painting will be targeted to those audiences who love to explore new places and are interested in adventurous and exotic locations. Besides this the project has some significance for people those who will require Environment Matte Paintings for their projects.
Personally, I chose the project as I wanted to learn more about the techniques used to produce a Matte Painting, and explore as many techniques involved in integrating different effects to this art.
2D concept artwork and 2D painting, 3D Projection, Com positing for this project will be done by using Adobe Photoshop, Auto desk- Maya and Nuke respectively.
Here are some of the places located near Kinnaur:
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