Monday, 4 July 2011

Initial Camera Projection

Preparation of 2D matte painting is in progress however at the same moment I felt as if I need a bit practice on the camera mapping because I have not done any camera Projection projects before.So, here is a small animated clip using camera projection inside MAYA2011:

As one can notice that this projection has few issues especially some stretching of textures around geometries.After making adjustments I will update the animation later.
A sample of the Original image:


website: Date 22/06/2010)

Matte Painting Sequence Cont....

While working on different shots, I thought of working on the last shot in the sequence with the first shot, as both of them have some similarities. Although the work is in Progress for both shots I will update it regularly to show my progress on both of these shots. The above shot will represent a village and this will be once again a wide angle distant shot capturing as much of the information as possible.This shot in particular will place the viewer's eye at the top of a cliffe and will represent a land that extends from the village in the mid-ground with a lake up till distant mountains. The idea behind this shot would be to made viewer explore the terrains in the mid-ground which would be less populated with vegetation and will show more of the human inhabitation. This shot in particular looks quite flat and resembles more to those tropical region with brown soil and flat terrain. So I thought of experimenting with one more shot, which is shown below:

Both shots at this moment looks completely flat, this might be due to the fact I haven't used any architectural geometry. I am keeping my options open by working on rough concept arts while keeping in mind that I am running few days back from my project schedule.These are few rough concept arts which I am working on these days:

Shot Number 04:

The rough sequence can be found below:






Shot Sequence:-
It's been a while since I updated my Blog , mainly because it was slightly difficult for me to decide on what would be the best shot sequence for the entire project and I realized that at times experience with some 3D applications can be overwhelming.
Finally after some discussion with my faculty and feedback from friends I realized the above rough sequence shots were lacking some objects around which a story can be evolved.The shot number 4 in the last post is flat and not interesting as it contains a foreground and background with no elements in the mid ground to give it a more depth. After making some adjustment to these shots below is the list of final shots and my thoughts on why I choose them as my final painting shots.


This aerial shot represents starting of a journey to a place which is located somewhere along the path of the river. Placing few small houses in the background suggest existence of inhabitation and presence of tower in the mid-ground shows some traces of ancient culture which shows that the land is being protected and closely watched.
The composition seems to be working fine however I am working on the textures for vegetation as the scene has uneven details starting from Mid-ground to the background. There are some perspective issues with the river current and, sharpness of other elements like Tower in the mid-ground and mountains in the background.
The entire image took 2 days to get finished and was the fastest of all paintings I did on this project however it lacks detail at the same moment.


This shot needs texturing and I am thinking to remove waterfall in the foreground with a big cliff while keeping in mind the amount of time I have left with me.


This is the shot which I am working on these days and trying to finalize it as soon as possible.

As with the Seq03 in the above post, the idea behind its creation still remains the same, however I made some composition adjustment by changing foreground and making the monastery slightly massive to make it capture more attention in the scene. I made changes in the light direction in the scene and working on the texture for the mid-ground architecture, I will update the changes as soon as they are done from my end.


1K Rough Projection:

I am almost done with this shot as it requires a bit more attention to the colour correction in some region and few adjustment to the mid-ground houses. The idea behind this shot is to represent an Asian village which closely resembles to the Tibetan architecture showing the influence of Buddhism on the civilization.
As a last shot I want to move slowly towards the architecture in the mid-ground while maintaining the focus on the big architecture in the middle. The projection shown above is a rough camera move for the painting and it has some issues with the parallax in foreground elements. As this moment I am thinking of adding some reflection in the scene by rendering out specular pass for my architecture and the water which will surely increase the believability of the scene.

Final Shot Sequence:

Well, it was quite hard for me to make this decision to choose three out of my four paintings as final shot sequence because I wanted to learn more about compositing and video editing. I think as I am a week and few days behind my schedule and, learning and  experimenting being the top most priority made me to take this decision. In order keep up with the quality and to learn more I decided to do shot 1(which I is edited now), shot3 and shot4 as my final shots. I learnt few compositing techniques which I will update later in this blog.
Here are the final adjustments and changes which I made to these shots:


This will be the first shot in the animation which will suggest a path to some place which is hiding in big mountains. In order to support this suggestion I thought of making use of a snake style river and some Buddhist tower like architecture to give it an Asian look. I got the inspiration of doing this shot from "Tiberius Viris" who has done matte painting for famous Hollywood films. (ref_website-


This is the second shot probably the one at which I worked the most starting from the concept art to final Image. One can find a very close reference for this image in one of the above posts (named SEQ03), I thanks my faculty ,especially Mr. Martin Bowmann who was actually responsible for me to think about  Shot 03 and Shot 02.

The idea behind this shot is to capture some North Indian Buddhist Monastery which has some religious significance and suggests faith/belief of inhabitants living around this area.In order to represent this suggestion I thought of adding some fire which usually is one of the important elements in the nature along with water some land and wide sky. I think apart if one do not consider a bit more activity in the mid ground or background I am satisfied with this image.
My inspiration for this shot came from "The Fire Temple"( from "Igor Staristin".

This is the final shot which represents a typical Himalyan Village. The main purpose of this composition was to show existence of some civilization whose idea I am carrying with my Shot01 and Shot03.
One can easily look at the architecture of house, the white and red colour paint over the wall which represents a village influenced by Asian architecture and Buddhist influence.on the culture.
This painting is inspired by once again from one of the work done by "Igor Staristin" (